New Toronto Spring 2016 Orthophoto Data Added!

Just in time for the winter thaw, we are proud to announce the addition of  new orthophoto data for the city of Toronto. Our fleet of Cessna's were able to take several flights across the city during the Spring of 2016, capturing every detail of the city from a controlled and consistent elevation.

Many changes can happen in just a short year throughout the city, if your organization depends on land usage and development, then having the most recent data is absolutely critical to maintaining your competitive advantage.
As we are all aware, Toronto has been growing in leaps and bounds, and over the last year many new subdivisions and condos being developed are either completed or near completion. Factor these new developments into your business decisions today!
We are also excited to announce the price drop for the older 2015 data of Toronto. If you don't require the latest updates, this is your time to act now!

Consider these recent GTA development facts when deciding if your organization should update to the new Spring 2016 data set.:
Source: CMHC 2015 Report
  • A total of 5,050 townhouse were expected to start construction in 2015
  • A total of 32,400 housing units started construction in 2015, with 7,700 being new single-detached home constructions.
  • 18,550 High rise units were expected to start construction in 2015

That's a great deal of change that began in 2015, with most of these developments coming to fruition in 2016. Make sure you stay on top of the latest data and intelligence by updating today!


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